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The doctor is in

This afternoon we were playing doctor and Thomas had a go at listening to my heart with my old stethoscope. As he listened he sort of squealed in a high pitch “Beeee boooo, bim bim, bomp boo bimp bimper”. “Oh dear,” I said. “Is that what my heart sounds like?”. “It is,” was the glum reply. “Do you think I`ll make it doctor?” I asked. “Nope. Not tonight,” he replied before taking off the stethoscope and walking out of the room.

He has, like, zero bedside manner.

I suggest he sticks to working with animals, as below….

Hmmmm. Let`s see. Who do I have to see today?

Hmmmm. Let`s see. Who do I have to see today?

Let`s get a quick x-ray Lou-seal.

Let`s get a quick x-ray Lou-seal.

Hope Lou-seal`s heart sounds better than mine did

Hope Lou-seal`s heart sounds better than mine did

And finally, we`ll get a weight on you Lou-seal.

And finally, we`ll get a weight on you Lou-seal.

Dr. Doolittle. Hard at work.